The Division of Chemistry and Biotechnology of Fossile Fuels was created in 1986 at the initiative of Academician Roman KUCHER as part of the Department of Physical Chemistry and Technology of Combustible Minerals of the Institute of Physical Chemistry named after L. V. Pisarzhevsky of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, and since 2004 – as a member of the Department of Physical Chemistry of Fossile Fuels of the Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry and Coal Chemistry named after L. M. Lytvynenko of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
For many years, the main areas of research work of the division were:
- research of biotechnological processes of synthesis of new ecologically safe substances and their functional properties;
- development of the scientific foundations of complex ecological monitoring and methodology for the restoration of man-made environment in oil production areas.
Scientists of the division have developed biotechnologies of microbial synthesis of environmentally safe surface-active substances (biosurfactants) and biopolymers; scientifically based approaches to eliminate the consequences of man-made soil pollution using effective bioremediation systems have been created. For the first time in Ukraine, for more than 30 years, the division has been conducting research on the biotechnology of biosurfactants, the advantages of which are high efficiency combined with safety for the environment. The scientists of the division have developed a number of products of various composition, proposed technological bases for their use in industry (for the production of detergents, increasing oil production, refining of vegetable oils), in agriculture, for solving environmental problems – bioremediation of polluted areas. A comprehensive approach to soil restoration has been developed, which involves the use of plants resistant to oil pollution, sorbents, mineral and organic fertilizers and activators (biosurfactants, etc.).
The results of research on polyhydroxyalkanoates – bioplastics of microbial origin with high efficiency, resistance to hydrolysis, biocompatibility and environmental safety – are interesting and promising. Scientists of the division proposed rational combined approaches to biosynthesis, isolation of biopolymers from bacterial cells. Research includes the selection of “soft” conditions for the disintegration of bacterial cells, effective and safe extractants, extraction methods to preserve the structure of polymers, and obtaining high-quality target products.
In recent years, the subject of research carried out in the division has expanded significantly, and today the results obtained are interesting, in particular, in the field of creating compositions based on biosurfactants and biopolymers, including nanoparticles for pharmaceuticals, environmentally safe corrosion inhibitors and biocorrosion of metal structures, for crop production, cleaning the environment from various technogenic pollution. The practical significance of the obtained results is confirmed by relevant acts of implementation and a number of patents: 20 patents of Ukraine, 1 – Moldova, 2 – Germany, including 8 patents (7 patents of Ukraine and 1 European patent) over the last 5 years:
Today, the division continues research that is relevant for Ukraine in the war and post-war periods. Scientists are working on effective technologies for cleaning soils (from fuel and lubricant materials, heavy metals, synthetic plastics, and other pollution) caused by military operations. Actual problems are obtaining alternative sources of energy, development of environmentally safe foaming agents for fire extinguishing, creation of materials based on bioplastics, which are promising for medical implants, plasters for tissue restoration, anti-burn and wound-healing bandages, as well as various packaging materials.
The division takes an active part in the training of scientific personnel. During the existence of the division, its scientists have defended 1 doctorate and 10 candidate theses, the work of employees has been recognized with many awards and prizes of various levels.